Work with us

At SUD Research Insights, we’ll connect you with actual users to capture valuable insights.


User research

Perceptions and reactions matter a lot. We host in-depth interviews, focus groups, and interactive discussions to figure out what people think of your product, service, or concept. Use actionable information to fix design flaws, tailor brand messages, or even set price points. Learn more.

Usability testing

Usability testing

We develop task-oriented test plans out of your specific objectives. Pre-screened users will assess your apps, websites, or even non-digital products. Test sessions (whether in-person or remote) reveal pain points and possible improvements to user interfaces, task flows, and the like. Get help.

Story-thinking workshops

We all unconsciously think in “stories”. Connect clues to a possible happy ending as you plan your next big idea. You’ll learn tools such as persona creation and scenario building. You’ll also have hands-on exercises in applying story elements when creating new features or offerings. Book your slot.